How to collect Title For Abandoned Real Estate straight through Adverse possession in the State of California

Homes For Sale - How to collect Title For Abandoned Real Estate straight through Adverse possession in the State of California

Good evening. Now, I found out about Homes For Sale - How to collect Title For Abandoned Real Estate straight through Adverse possession in the State of California. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and you. How to collect Title For Abandoned Real Estate straight through Adverse possession in the State of California

What is Adverse Possession? How can I gain title to real estate?

What I said. It shouldn't be the conclusion that the real about Homes For Sale. You see this article for information on that wish to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

In a nutshell adverse rights is a process where a someone or an investor can gain the rights or title of real property from someone else someone because the owner has abandoned the property. This is done by plainly taking rights of that property in the manner prescribed by state law.

In doing so, you can, genuinely gain rights or title of the real property for just paying the back delinquent real estate taxes and the cost to file a quiet title lawsuit establishing that you obtained title to the property straight through adverse possession. In other words, you can take title of significant property for a imaginable discount.

The Law of Adverse Possession

The laws governing adverse rights is local state (or, in Canada, territorial law); consequently an Abandoned property investor must look into the definite laws of a definite state or Canadian territory where the real property is located. Since the laws are dissimilar dramatically from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and can often be confusing, anything wishing to take title to real property straight through adverse rights should sense a knowledgeable attorney before attempting to do so.

In order for you to begin understanding the requirements of Adverse rights let's look at a definite example. Below is a closer look at th California Adverse rights law. We will use this law to recognize and construe some of the more tasteless terms used in Adverse Possession.

California Adverse rights Law

Briefly, California state law states that Real Estate investors wanting to gain title to someone else person's real property straight through adverse rights Must satisfy all the following Requirements:

1.That the Abandoned property investor's rights was held under whether (1) a claim of right or (2) under color of title:

2.That the Abandoned property investor's rights was actual, open and notorious;

3.That the Abandoned property investor's rights was hostile, adverse an exclusive;

4.That the Abandoned property investor's rights was continuous and uninterrupted for a period of five years;

5.That the Abandoned property investor paid th real property taxes while that five-year period.

Possession must be held under whether (1) a claim of right or (2) under color of title.

The California statutes governing adverse rights and as well as the statutes of most other states make a dissimilarity between claiming adverse rights based upon a "claim of title founded upon a written instrument or judgment or decree" (often referred to as a claim under color title) and claiming adverse rights based upon "a claim of title exclusive of any other right, but not founded upon a written instrument, judgement, or decree" (often referred to as a claim as whether a claim of right, see California Code of civil procedures Section 322 and 323. As to such claim under claim o right, see Code of Civil Procedures Section 324 and 325.

Basically a claim of adverse rights based upon color color of title is one where the claimant(Abandoned property Investor) took in good faith rights under a deed (or some other written instrument) or judicial rule that appeared to transfer good title, but was defective. For example, a tax sale investor might take adverse rights straight through color of title for real estate bought at a California county tax-defaulted sale where the sale was conducted improperly and, consequently, the deed was void.

"Claim of Right" or "Claim of Title"

Abandoned property investors attempting to take title to real estate straight through the doctrine of adverse rights are generally more curious in taking such title straight through "claim of right" or "claim of title". Under this doctrine, an investor merely needs to take actual rights of the property and hold that rights as required by thorough jurisdictional law.

As might be expected, the requirements to fabricate adverse rights under a claim of right are (under California law and under the law of most all other states) are more strenuous than those linked with claiming under color of title.

In order to be definite as the definite requirements for a claim of right refer to the definite state statutes. Again, to be safe consult with a knowledgeable attorney in the county where the property is located.

Possession must be actual

As will be seen below, an abandoned property investor claiming rights under the doctrine of adverse rights does not have to personally occupy or live on the real estate to be in actual rights of the property. However, genuinely living on the real estate is probably the strongest and clearest evidence that rights is actual.

Possession by tenant as actual possession

Real property can be occupied, lived on, and genuinely possessed by a tenant under a tenancy agreement. Take, for instance, if you look at the California appellate case of Traeger v. Friedman (1947) 79 Ca 2d 151. In that case, the adverse rights claimant took rights of a apartment construction straight through tenants and, then, managed and rented for five years. She evn paid the real property taxes out of the rent. The California court held that she had met the actual rights requirement needed to exquisite title under adverce possession.

Possession is deemed actual if lands is "protected by a titanic enclosure", "usually cultivated or improved"

If the adverse rights is claimed based on a claim of right, then California Code of Civil course Sections 324 and 325 apply.

A abandoned property investor's rights is deemed to be in actual, open and notorious rights of definite real property under a claim of right when that someone has either

1."protected" that property "by a titanic inclosure" Or
2.That someone has "usually cultivated" Or
3.Has "improved" tht property.
If the real property being taken straight through adverse rights is a lot and acreage and cannot be genuinely possessed (i.e., lived on) then that property must be whether " a titanic inclosure", "usually cultivated", or "usually improved".

If the property is protected by a titanic inclosure, then the inclosure must be "substantial" enough to give the true owner notice of the investor's Claim of adverse rights while the whole prescriptive period. Older Cases hold that the inclosure must be titanic enough and remain so throughout the prescriptive period of five years and safe all sides of the property claimed from intrusion by cattle or other animals. If the inclosure is so damaged as not to be able to safe all sides of the property from such intrusion, then the Abandoned property investor or claimant must promptly repair that damage inclosure or risk being found by the court to have not met this requirement.

Meeting Any one of the three alternative, meets the actual rights requirements for adverse rights even though the Abandoned property investor or claimant does not live on the property.

Additionally, California cases have held that although "grazing" or "pasturage" is not mentioned in the Code of Civil course Section 325 reproduced above, it is a recipe whereby an investor can take actual possession.

Possession Must Be Open And Notorious

Basically, an owner of real estate will not lose that real estate straight through the doctrine of adverse rights unless the manner in which the investor holds actual rights would provide reasonable notice of that rights if the owner inspected the property. Repairs and improvements made to houses such as painting the ouside of the house, holding up the surface ground, etc. Are examples of such actions.

However, an owner can lose title to real estate straight through adverse rights even straight through he or she is never genuinely aware of the rights because the owner never visited the real estate to scrutinize the improvements made by the abandoned property investor.

Possession Was Hostile, Adverse And Exclusive.

Basically, if the abandoned property investor or claimant is in rights under color of title, then that rights is deemed to be adverse and hostile to the true owner and it is not significant to offer any additional proof.

However if the Abandoned property investor or claimant is in rights under claim of title, then the claimant must prove that the rights was hostile and adverse. The word "hostile" does not mean that the rights was "overtly antagonistic" to the owner; it means plainly that such rights is "inconsistent" with that of the true owner.)

It must be shown that the rights was in violation of the true owner's property rights and that it should give rise in the owner a surmise to begin an action to conclude the Abandoned property investor or claimant's rights or use.

Possession of the property with the owner's permission is not hostile or adverse. See California Civil Code Section 813 which provides a great legal explanation of this process.

Basically what the California Civil Code Section 813 means that the owner of the property can give permission for the use of that property by the normal social or definite individuals. The statute additional states that: "In the event of use by other than the normal public, any such notices, to be effective, shall also be served by registered mail on the user.

The claimant's use must also be exclusive, use of that property by the legal owner or any other someone except the claimant or abandoned property investor or a tenant of the claimant or abandoned property investor holding rights on behalf of that someone will probably defeat a claim of title straight through adverse possession.

Possession Was Continuous And Uninterrupted For Five Years.

This requirement can be found in Civil Code Section 1007 when read together with Code of Civil course Sections 318, 319, 321, 322, and 325. Most specifically, Code of Civil course Sections 325 provides:

"provided, however, that in no case shall adverse rights be considered established under the provisions of any section or sections of this code, unless it shall be shown that the land has been occupied and claimed for the period of five years continuosly, and the party or persons, their predecessors and grantor's, have paid all the taxes, state, county, or municipal, which have been levied and assessed upon such land."

The requirement does not mean, however, that the investor must be physically on the land every day for five years. For instance, if actual rights of a home or other rental real estate is held by tenants on behalf of the adverse holder or abandoned property investor, then commonplace vacancies will not disrupt the continuity of the possession.

So, if an investor were to take rights of rental property, for example, and there were normal vacancies that occur, these vacancies would not be considered a violation if the five year occupancy requirement. It also means that the investor does not have to live on the property to make this claim. That means you can claim adverse rights at multiple properties as long as the property is safe and liveable for tenants. That means a safe bet cash flow while waiting in the prescribed period and also without your bodily stay at your property.

Claimant Paid The Real property Taxes while That Five Year Period.

See Code of Civil course Section 325 which governs this requirement

The Abandoned property investor or claimant must prove that he or she has paid all taxes that have been levied and assessed against the real property claimed while the whole five year period. A failure to pay taxes assessed for any one year will defeat a claim for adverse possession. Then the claimant must also pay any delinquent taxes superior for years prior to the start of the claim for adverse possession. For more details please refer to the case of Los Angeles v. Coffey (1963) 243 Ca 2d 121,125.

Under the law of the state of California, if a Abandoned property investor meets all the requirements of the law of adverse rights under claim of title, then that someone becomes the true legal owner of the real estate that has been abandoned. If the legal title of the real property was held by the former owner with no superior liens that superceeds the tax lien, then the investor will have acquired the real estate for, basically, just five or more years worth of back delinquent real property taxes or for just a small investment.

So, What Should A Abandoned Real property Investor Look For?

The two most important system of the law of adverse rights is that a Abandoned real property investor wants to see are the following:

1.The quality to take adverse rights under Claim of right or claim of title as opposed to color of title and
2.A relatively short prescriptive period. The period of time the Abandoned property investor must adversely possess the real property before that investor can gain title to the real property.
You are probably request yourself, Why?

Because in the state of California, the period or prescriptive period is five years based upon the California Code of Civil Procedure. However in some states the period can last from 10, 15 or 20 years until you get title straight through adverse possession.

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How to Advertise Your property For Sale on CraigsList

Homes For Sale - How to Advertise Your property For Sale on CraigsList

Good evening. Now, I discovered Homes For Sale - How to Advertise Your property For Sale on CraigsList. Which is very helpful for me and also you. How to Advertise Your property For Sale on CraigsList

In this article, I will discuss an additional one great way to growth the exposure of a property that you are trying to wholesale and, if you conclude to do it the way that I recommend, will continue to build your buyers list. I am talking about advertising your property for sale on CraigsList.

What I said. It shouldn't be the final outcome that the real about Homes For Sale. You check this out article for information about what you want to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

If you have read my other real estate investor articles you know that I am a huge fan of CraigsList for real estate investors and this is just an additional one example.

If you have a property under covenant to buy and you need an investor buyer so that you can wholesale it for a quick assignment fee, then after sending the deal out to your buyers list this is arguably your next best strategy (especially if you factor in that it is free). While the potential of contacts made by mailing a postcard to absentee owners is much better, CraigsList gives you a great free method of getting your deal out in front of both sell and investor buyers.

Here's what I recommend:

First, use two-step marketing... I do not recommend listing every possible information about the property, photos, video tours and everything else in the CraigsList ad itself. Instead, I recommend using your CraigsList ad like you might a classified ad: give just adequate info to get them concerned in clicking through to your website.

Once they are on your website you have two choices: use a squeeze page or give away the info. I ordinarily prefer to use a squeeze page. What's a squeeze page? It's a page that requires man to give you their name and e-mail address, which adds them to your deal notification list, in order to get passage to the details about your real estate deals.

My squeeze page tells people that they will be requesting info about great real estate deals and requires that they give me their name and e-mail. If they submit their name and e-mail And confirm that they want to receive info on deals from me, I then send them, via e-mail, info on the deals I have and they continue to receive notices on my time to come deals until they opt out.

Of course, you could just show the property information instead of using a squeeze page, but I would rather try to get man on my deal notification list first.

I ordinarily put my ads in the Real Estate For Sale section of CraigsList and I re-list as often as I can while still being in compliance with CraigsList rules. It is Not adequate to post it once and forget about it. To be efficient with CraigsList you need to post your property and then take off it and repost it several days later to bump it back to the top to be noticed. The top postings get a lot more attentiveness than ones that have dropped off the first page of results.

Also, you may want to test title variations and ad body variations to see what gets you the best response. I am constantly trying new ones myself and find the distinction between response rates can be huge.

Best wishes as you hone your marketing techniques for selling deals and building your buyers list through Craigslist!

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Homes For Sale. Where you possibly can offer use in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Homes For Sale.

Due Diligence Checklists - For market Real Estate Transactions

Homes For Sale - Due Diligence Checklists - For market Real Estate Transactions

Good morning. Today, I learned about Homes For Sale - Due Diligence Checklists - For market Real Estate Transactions. Which is very helpful if you ask me therefore you. Due Diligence Checklists - For market Real Estate Transactions

Planning to purchase or finance commercial or commercial Real Estate? Shopping Center? Office Building? Restaurant/Banquet property? Parking Lot? Storefront? Gas Station? Manufacturing facility? Warehouse? Logistics Terminal? medical Building? Nursing Home? Hotel/Motel? Pharmacy? Bank facility? Sports and Entertainment Arena? Other?

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Homes For Sale

A Key to investing in commercial real estate is performing an sufficient Due Diligence Investigation to assure you know all material facts to make a wise investment decision and to reckon your predicted investment yield.

The following checklists are designed to help you conduct a focused and meaningful Due Diligence Investigation.

Basic Due Diligence Concepts:

Commercial Real Estate transactions are Not similar to large home purchases.

Caveat Emptor: Let the Buyer beware.

Consumer safety laws applicable to home purchases seldom apply to commercial real estate transactions. The rule that a Buyer must examine, judge, and test for himself, applies to the purchase of commercial real estate.

Due Diligence: "Such a quantum of prudence, activity, or assiduity, as is proper to be predicted from, and ordinarily exercised by, a uncostly and thrifty [person] under the particular circumstances; not measured by any absolute standard, but depending upon the relative facts of the special case." Black's Law Dictionary; West Publishing Company.

Contractual representations and warranties are Not a substitute for Due Diligence.

Breach of representations and warranties = Litigation, time and money.

What Diligence Is Due?

The scope, intensity and focus of any due diligence investigation of commercial or commercial real estate depends upon the objectives of the party for whom the investigation is conducted. These objectives may vary depending upon either the investigation is conducted for the benefit of (i) a Strategic Buyer (or long-term lessee); (ii) a Financial Buyer; (iii) a Developer; or (iv) a Lender.

If you are a Seller, understand that to close the transaction your Buyer (and its Lender) must address all issues material to its objective - some of which need data only you, as Owner, can adequately provide.

General Objectives:

(i) A "Strategic Buyer" (or long-term lessee) is acquiring the property for its own use and must verify that the property is suitable for that intended use.

(ii) A "Financial Buyer" is acquiring the property for the predicted return on investment generated by the property's income stream, and must decide the amount, velocity and durability of the income stream. A sophisticated Financial Buyer will likely reckon its yield based upon discounted cash-flows rather than the must less literal, capitalization rate ("cap rate"), and will need sufficient financial data to do so.

(iii) A "Developer" is seeking to add value by changing the character or use of the property - regularly with a short-term to intermediate-term exit strategy to arrange of the property; although, a Developer might plan to hold the property long term as Financial Buyer after amelioration or redevelopment. The Developer must focus on either the planned convert is character or use can be finished in a cost-effective manner. A developer conducting due diligence will focus on issues entertaining shop demand, access, use and finances.

(iv) A "Lender" is seeking to develop two basic lending criteria:

1. "Ability to Repay" - The capability of the property to generate sufficient income to repay the loan on a timely basis; and

2. "Sufficiency of Collateral" - The objective disposal value of the collateral in the event of a loan default, to assure sufficient funds to repay the loan, carrying costs and costs of range in the event forced range becomes necessary.

The estimate of diligent inquiry due to be expended (i.e. "Due Diligence") to explore any particular commercial or commercial real estate scheme is the estimate of inquiry required to retort each of the following questions to the extent relevant to the objectives of the party conducting the investigation:

I. The Property:

1. Exactly what property does Purchaser believe it is acquiring?

(a) Land?

(b) Building?

(c) Fixtures?

(d) Other Improvements?

(e) Other Rights?

(f) The whole fee title interest together with all air proprietary and subterranean rights?

(g) All amelioration rights?

2. What is Purchaser's planned use of the Property?

3. Does the corporeal health of the property permit use as planned?

(a) Commercially sufficient access to group streets and ways?

(b) sufficient parking?

(c) Structural health of improvements?

(d) Environmental contamination?

(i) Innocent Purchaser defense vs. Exemption from liability

(ii) All appropriate Inquiry

4. Is there any legal restriction to Purchaser's use of the property as planned?

(a) Zoning?

(b) private land use controls?

(c) Americans with Disabilities Act?

(d) Availability of licenses?

(i) Liquor license?

(ii) Entertainment license?

(iii) Outdoor dining license?

(iv) Drive through windows permitted?

(e) Other impediments?

5. How much does Purchaser expect to pay for the property?

6. Is there any health on or within the property that is likely to growth Purchaser's productive cost to gather or use the Property?

(a) property owner's assessments?

(b) Real estate tax in line with value?

(c) special Assessment?

(d) Required user fees for considerable amenities?

(i) Drainage?

(ii) Access?

(iii) Parking?

(iv) Other?

7. Any encroachments onto the Property, or from the property onto other lands?

8. Are there any encumbrances on the property that will not be cleared at Closing?

(a) Easements?

(b) Covenants Running with the Land?

(c) Liens or other financial servitudes?

(d) Leases?

9. Leases?

(a) safety Deposits?

(b) Options to extend Term?

(c) Options to Purchase?

(d) proprietary of First Refusal?

(e) proprietary of First Offer?

(f) Maintenance Obligations?

(g) Duty on Landlord to furnish utilities?

(h) Real estate tax or Cam escrows?

(i) Delinquent rent?

(j) Pre-Paid rent?

(k) Tenant mix/use controls?

(l) Tenant exclusives?

(m) Tenant parking requirements?

(n) self-acting subordination of Lease to hereafter mortgages?

(o) Other material Lease terms?

10. New Construction?

(a) Availability of construction permits?

(b) Utilities?

(c) Npdes (National Pollutant removal Elimination System) Permit?

(i) Phase 2 productive March 2003 - Permit required if earth is disturbed on one acre or more of land.

(ii) If applicable, Storm Water Pollution prevention Plan (Swppp) is required.

Ii. The Seller:

1. Who is the Seller?

(a) Individual?

(b) Trust?

(c) Partnership?

(d) Corporation?

(e) dinky Liability Company?

(f) Other legally existing entity?

2. If other than natural person, does jobber validly exist and is jobber in good standing?

3. Does the jobber own the Property?

4. Does jobber have authority to transport the Property?

(a) Board of Director Approvals?

(b) Shareholder or Member approval?

(c) Other consents?

(d) If foreign individual or entity, are any special requirements applicable?

(i) Qualification to do company in jurisdiction of Property?

(ii) Federal Tax Withholding?

(iii) Us Patriot Act compliance?

5. Who has authority to bind Seller?

6. Are sale proceeds sufficient to pay off all liens?

Iii. The Purchaser:

1. Who is the Purchaser?

2. What is the Purchaser/Grantee's exact legal name?

3. If Purchaser/Grantee is an entity, has it been validly created and is it in good standing?

(a) Articles or Incorporation - Articles of Organization

(b) Certificate of Good Standing

4. Is Purchaser/Grantee authorized to own and control the property and, if applicable, finance acquisition of the Property?

(a) Board of Director Approvals?

(b) Shareholder or Member approval?

(c) If foreign individual or entity, are any special requirements applicable?

(i) Qualification to do company in jurisdiction of the Property?

(ii) Us Patriot Act compliance?

(iii) Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering compliance?

5. Who is authorized to bind the Purchaser/Grantee?

Iv. Purchaser Financing:

A. company Terms Of The Loan:

What loan terms have the Purchaser, as Borrower, and its Lender agreed to?

(a) What is the estimate of the loan?

(b) What is the interest rate?

(c) What are the refund terms?

(d) What is the collateral?

(i) commercial real estate only?

(ii) Real estate and personal property together?

(e) First lien? A junior lien?

(f) Is it a particular strengthen loan?

(g) A manifold strengthen loan?

(h) A construction loan?

(i) If it is a manifold strengthen loan, can the considerable be re-borrowed once repaid prior to maturity of the loan; making it, in effect, a revolving line of credit?

(j) Are there support requirements?

(i) Interest reserves?

(ii) heal reserves?

(iii) Real estate tax reserves?

(iv) assurance reserves?

(v) Environmental remediation reserves?

(vi) Other reserves?

(k) Are there requirements for Borrower to open company operating accounts with the Lender? If so, is the Borrower obligated to pronounce minimum compensating balances?

(l) Is the Borrower required to pledge company accounts as further collateral?

(m) Are there early refund fees or yield maintenance requirements (each sometimes referred to as "pre-payment penalties")?

(n) Are there refund blackout periods while which Borrower is not permitted to repay the loan?

(o) Is there a Loan Commitment fee or "good faith deposit" due upon Borrower's acceptance of the Loan Commitment?

(p) Is there a loan funding fee or loan brokerage fee or other loan fee due Lender or a loan broker at closing?

(q) What are the Borrower's price refund obligations to Lender? When are they due? What is the Borrower's obligation to pay Lender's expenses if the loan does not close?

B. Documenting The commercial Real Estate Loan

Does Purchaser have all data considerable to comply with the Lender's loan closing requirements?

Not all loan documentation requirements may be known at the outset of a transaction, although most commercial real estate loan documentation requirements are fairly typical. Some required data can be obtained only from the Seller. Production of that data to Purchaser for delivery to its lender must be required in the purchase contract.

As guidance to what a commercial real estate lender may require, the following sets forth a typical closing Checklist for a loan secured by commercial real estate.

Commercial Real Estate Loan closing Checklist

1. Promissory Note

2. Personal Guaranties (which may be full, partial, secured, unsecured, payment guaranties, range guaranties or a range of other types of guarantees as may be required by Lender).

3. Loan business transaction (often incorporated into the Promissory Note and/or Mortgage in lieu of being a isolate document)

4. Mortgage [sometimes vast to be a Mortgage, safety business transaction and Fixture Filing]

5. Assignment of Rents and Leases

6. safety Agreement

7. Financing Statement (sometimes referred to as a "Ucc-1", or "Initial Filing")

8. Evidence of Borrower's Existence In Good Standing; including

(a) Certified copy of organizational documents of borrowing entity (including Articles of Incorporation, if Borrower is a corporation; Articles of organization and written Operating Agreement, if Borrower is a dinky liability company; Certified copy of trust business transaction with all amendments, if Borrower is a land trust or other trust; etc.)

(b) Certificate of Good Standing (if a corporation or Llc) or Certificate of Existence (if a dinky partnership) or Certificate of Qualification to Transact company (if Borrower is an entity doing company in a State other than its State of formation)

9. Evidence of Borrower's Authority to Borrow; including

(a) a Borrower's Certificate;

(b) Certified Resolutions

(c) Incumbency Certificate

10. Satisfactory Commitment for Title assurance (which will typically require, for prognosis by the Lender, copies of all documents of narrative appearing on schedule B of the title commitment which are to remain after closing), with required commercial title assurance endorsements, often including:

(a) Affirmative Creditors proprietary Endorsement (extending coverage over course exclusion 7 and course exclusions 3(a) and 3(d) as they delineate to creditor's proprietary matters)

(b) Alta 3.1 Zoning Endorsement modified to consist of parking

(c) Alta overall Endorsement 1

(d) Location Endorsement (street address)

(e) access Endorsement (vehicular access to group streets and ways)

(f) Contiguity Endorsement (the insured land comprises a particular parcel with no gaps or gores)

(g) Pin Endorsement (insuring that the identified real estate tax permanent index numbers are the only applicable Pin numbers affecting the collateral and that they delineate solely to the real property comprising the collateral)

(h) Usury Endorsement (insuring that the loan does not violate any prohibitions against immoderate interest charges)

(i) other title assurance endorsements applicable to safe the intended use and value of the collateral, as may be thought about upon delineate of the Commitment for Title assurance and discover or arising from the existence of special issues pertaining to the transaction or the Borrower.

11. Current Alta discover (3 sets), [typically ready in accordance with 2005 Minimum appropriate information for Alta/Acsm Land Title Surveys, certified to the lender, Buyer and the title insurer, together with items 1 through 4, 6, 7(a), 7(b)(1), 8 through 11(a) and 14 from the Surveyor's "Optional discover Responsibilities and Specifications" referred to as "Table A"].

12. Current Rent Roll

13. Certified copy of all Leases (3 sets)

14. Lessee Estoppel Certificates

15. Lessee Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreements [sometimes referred to simply as "Sndas"].

16. Ucc, Judgment, Pending Litigation, Bankruptcy and Tax Lien hunt Report

17. Appraisal (must comply with Title Xi of Firrea (Financial Institutions Reform, rescue and obligation Act of 1989, as amended)

18. Environmental Site Appraisal narrative (sometimes referred to as Environmental Phase I and/or Phase 2 Audit Reports)

19. Environmental Indemnity business transaction (signed by Borrower and guarantors)

20. Site Improvements Inspection Report

21. Evidence of Hazard assurance naming Lender as the Mortgagee/Lender Loss Payee; and Liability assurance naming Lender as an "additional insured" (sometimes listed as simply "Acord 27 and Acord 25, respectively)

22. Legal conception of Borrower's Attorney

23. Reputation Underwriting documents, such as signed tax returns, property operating statements, etc. As may be specified by Lender

24. Yielding business transaction (sometimes also called an Errors and Omissions Agreement), whereby the Borrower agrees to correct, after closing, errors or omissions in loan documentation.

It is useful to become well-known with the Lender's loan documentation requirements as early in the transaction as practical. The requirements will likely be set forth with some information in the lender's Loan Commitment - which is typically much more detailed than most loan commitments issued in residential transactions.

Conducting the Due Diligence Investigation in a commercial real estate transaction can be time entertaining and high-priced in all events.

If the loan requirements cannot be satisfied, it is good to make that determination while the contractual "due diligence period" - which typically provides for a so-called "free out" - rather than at a later date when the earnest money may be at risk of forfeiture or when other liability for failure to close may attach.


Conducting an productive due diligence investigation in a commercial real estate transaction to discover all material facts and conditions affecting the property and the transaction is of considerable importance.

Unlike owner occupied residential real estate, when a house can nearly always be occupied as the purchaser's home, commercial real estate acquired for company use or for investment is impacted by numerous factors that may sway its use and value.

The existence of these factors and their sway on a Purchaser's capability to use the property for its intended use and on the Purchaser's projected investment yield can only be discovered through diligent investigation and concentration to detail.

The circumstances of each transaction will decide what degree of diligence is required. The level of diligence required under the circumstances is the diligence that is due.

Exercise Due Diligence.

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What I said. It isn't the final outcome that the actual about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn. You check out this article for facts about anyone want to know is Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn.

Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn

Balance Sheet

Assets - Home, Car, Boat
Liabilities - prestige Cards, Ious, College Loans

This is what we were taught growing up. You hear the advice that you should buy a lot of assets in order to increase your wealth. That's great news because who wouldn't want a home, a car, and a boat? So, before my wife and I got married, we signed for a house and we already had two cars. All we needed was a boat.

The irony here is that if accumulating these assets are good, then how come they seem to cripple people financially? The issue here is that what we were taught were assets aren't categorically assets. They are liabilities.

After reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, we learned that if you ask the rich to justify a balance sheet with the same items above, they'd show you this:

Balance Sheet

Liabilities - prestige Cards, Ious, College Loans, Home, Car, Boat

Notice the red items. What once were assets in our mind has shifted over to be liabilities. This is an "unconventional" way of defining assets and liabilities. The dissimilarity is simple.

Assets put money into your pocket. Liabilities take money out.

So let's take your home for instance. The mortgage on the home is the liability. You pay the mortgage monthly, which is money leaving your pocket. You receive no earnings from your home. This is why it is a liability.

But then the demand arises, "What if I pay off my home, is it an asset then?" Not likely. Because you still have to pay asset taxes and maintenance. Money is still leaving your wallet. You either have to sell your house or refinance to receive any cash.

"The fact is, when a banker tells you your house is an asset, they are not categorically lying to you. They're just not telling you the whole truth."

-Robert Kiyosaki

Now, if you have a asset that you are renting out and the monthly rent produces sure cashflow (money leftover after the expenses are paid, like the mortgage), then the asset is an asset. It's putting money into your pocket.

My wife and I have a real estate asset in Tennessee. After the expenses of the mortgage, taxes, insurance, and asset supervision are paid, we have a sure cashflow of . It may not look like much, but come tax time, we can depreciate this asset and take other tax deductions.

What about your savings account?

Your savings catalogue looks an asset because it is earning you interest. So, on your bank's balance sheet, it's a liability to them. However, remember that it may not be holding up with the rate of inflation. This can be eroding your wealth. Now, I'm not saying that it's bad to have a savings catalogue or an crisis fund. But, just consider the fact that it may be taking money out of your pocket.

So what's the goal here?

The goal is to have enough sure cashflowing assets to generate enough earnings to cover your expenses. When this occurs, you can pick to either leave your current work or stay. Your assets should be on autopilot, with small or not involvement from you. This is financial freedom.

I hope you have new knowledge about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn. Where you can offer utilization in your life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn.

What Happens After Foreclosure? A Guide For Homeowners

Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - What Happens After Foreclosure? A Guide For Homeowners

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I discovered Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - What Happens After Foreclosure? A Guide For Homeowners. Which could be very helpful in my experience so you. What Happens After Foreclosure? A Guide For Homeowners

What happens after foreclosure depends on whether you live in a state that has a Redemption Period.

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Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn

This is the time after the house has been auctioned to the highest bidder that the homeowner has to buy it back for the auction price. The time varies by state. In some places, it is as miniature as 3 days. In other states, it is a full year.

If your state has a Redemption Period, you will be able to use the time to raise the money to buy back the home. You may also be able to stay in the home for the entire distance of the period without manufacture any payments.

The states with Redemption Periods are:

o Alabama - 1 year
o Alaska - 1 year
o Arkansas - 1 year
o California - 1 year
o Connecticut (based on court decree)
o Idaho - 1 year
o Illinois - 3 months
o Iowa - 20 days
o Kansas - 1 year
o Kentucky - 1 year
o Maine - 90 days
o Michigan - 30-36 days
o Minnesota - 6 months
o Mississippi - 30 days
o Missouri - 1 year
o New Jersey - 10 days
o New Mexico - 30 days
o North Dakota - 6 months to 1 year depending on circumstances
o Oregon - 6 months
o South Dakota - 30 days or more
o Tennessee
o Vermont - 6 months to 1 year
o Wisconsin - 1 year
o Wyoming 30 days or more

So, what happens after foreclosure if you live in a state that has such a procedure is that you have some time to buy back the property.

If you do not live in a Redemption period state, or if it has expired, what happens after foreclosure is that you will be forced from your home.

Sometimes, you can get the purchaser to give you "key money" to leave the premises speedily and to leave the asset in good condition. In many cases, ex-homeowners destroy the asset before they leave. The buyer knows it is worth their while to induce you to leave nicely.

If you do not leave, then the buyer can bring an eviction notice against you. When the occupant is a foreclosed homeowner, generally they only have 3 days after an eviction notice for you to leave.

In this case, you will have an eviction as well as a foreclosure on your record. This makes it extremely difficult to rent after you loose your home.

So, what happens after foreclosure is that you may or may not have a Redemption Period. Then you will be forced to leave the home.

I hope you get new knowledge about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn. Where you can put to used in your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn.

Government Auction Foreclosures - Houses For Under $10,000?

Homes For Sale - Government Auction Foreclosures - Houses For Under ,000?

Hi friends. Now, I learned all about Homes For Sale - Government Auction Foreclosures - Houses For Under ,000?. Which may be very helpful for me therefore you. Government Auction Foreclosures - Houses For Under ,000?

While searching through some foreclosure and Fsbo (For Sale By Owner) listings at the best foreclosure government auction site a few days ago, I was amazed at the consistency of how low some of the prices on houses and properties are. Many of these homes are in decent to great shape and are placed in good areas of the country.

What I said. It isn't in conclusion that the real about Homes For Sale. You look at this article for facts about anyone need to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

What is wonderful is that for the price of a good used car you could verily buy a house. We all know which is a best investment, so why not convert your car oil more often to get a few more years out of it and use that money to buy a rental property. Now you're probably thinking 'just try to get a mortgage or loan these days'. Well when prices are this low then the risk is low as well, not to mention current lenders are under ultimate pressures to cut housing foreclosure inventories so they will be more then eager to discuss a good deal with you.

As for the real estate crises and housing price declines, well there is no doubt that we are in a real estate crisis, however, I'm hearing many experts say that we are either at the real estate lowest or will be, within the next six months. The thing about a store housing lowest is that you don't know when you have hit it until a year to two afterwards and by that time the deals will not be as plentiful. This combined with the government providing the banks with basically unlimited liquidity has made this maybe the best time in our lifetime in which to invest in real estate. You may know the saying "be fearful when everybody else is greedy, and greedy when everybody is fearful", well it's time to get greedy.

Here are examples of some of the listings I came over from the government auction site that I previously mentioned. This site is ranked as the whole one site on my government auctions impart site and the presume for that is simply because they have more government auction types, dates, locations and more property listings then any other site. Without further a due:

* 4 Bedroom Home in Marion, Indiana for ,500

* nice 4 Bedroom Home in Bay City Michigan for ,000

* 3 bedroom home in Pittsburg Pa for ,000

* 5 Bedroom home in Peekskill Ny (near New York City) for ,000

Yes these houses are for real and in good shape. You can see actual pictures of these and many other great deals on my site (link in last paragraph). Also before you bid or buy any property have a house inspector look over the house as fully as possible. A local inspector or realtor would be familiar with the current area and approximate inherent worth of the property. With their help, you can make a decision as to what work, if any, would have to be factored in and either the property is a good investment. Obviously if you can get a house for under ,000 it leaves a miniature extra cash for any work that may need to be done before you move in or renting it out. A realtor can also help to guide you in the buying process of foreclosed and Fsbo homes.

Whether buying a foreclosure, pre-foreclosure or Fsbo property, you should also guide a background check. Some properties may have a history of liens or may be levied off to an additional one party.

The foreclosure list mentioned here is just a sample of the many distressed properties that are available in all states. Following the trend in foreclosed properties is a good way on working towards your dream home. Remember it's time to get greedy, how that everybody is fearful, so you can resell the house later when everybody else is feeling greedy.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Homes For Sale. Where you possibly can offer easy use in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Homes For Sale.

Homes for Sale By Owner Land ageement Michigan

Homes For Sale - Homes for Sale By Owner Land ageement Michigan

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I discovered Homes For Sale - Homes for Sale By Owner Land ageement Michigan. Which may be very helpful if you ask me so you. Homes for Sale By Owner Land ageement Michigan

The homes for sale by owner land compact Michigan residents are able to furnish to concerned parties a home at an affordable price. A land compact in Michigan is often beneficial for both parties, when conducted in the literal, manner.

What I said. It is not the actual final outcome that the true about Homes For Sale. You check this out article for home elevators anyone need to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

There are a estimate of instances in which reputable and reliable individuals in Michigan will find themselves in financial issue and facing a potential foreclosure on their home or land. Instead of succumbing to this problem, it is leading that these individuals comprehend that hope does not need to be lost in these unfortunate situations.

Even in these troubling times, there are alternatives ready to these habitancy aside from the foreclosure on their property. A land compact in Michigan can be just the thing to help these people, or anything that is looking to sell their asset speedily and without moving a mortgage company.

As a compact between the owner of the asset in the state of Michigan and the buyer or purchaser of the aforementioned property, a land compact in Michigan allows the transaction to take place for a pre-determined and specified monetary amount, in transfer for the proprietary to the land or home. The purchaser agrees to make the decided upon payments for the asset over time to the seller, who is required to hand over the bodily manifestation of the deed to the asset owner or purchaser when the entirety of the land compact has been paid in full.

The laws surrounding the homes for sale by owner land compact Michigan residents must bond to are outlined in a very clear way in these instances. proprietary and living rights, for all intents and purposes, are immediately ready to the purchasers of the many ready homes for sale by owner land compact Michigan residents have to offer. In the end, it is the title that is not turned over to the purchasers until the payments have all been made. This is what allows the sellers to assert some collateral when they are in the process of selling their properties. Homes for sale by owner land compact Michigan laws are able to safe sellers in this way.

However, land contracts are also beneficial for concerned buyers as well. For example, buyers who want to own a home but have poor or damaged credit can often work with sellers on terms. Investors, like us here, can also help educate buyers on ways to fix their credit and get them the financing they need.

Sometimes bad things happen to good habitancy and person who can make monthly payments and has some money to put down on a home should be able to buy one, even if the bank isn't willing to give out a loan.

he sale of the home in this definite type of contractual trade , therefore, is able to help all complicated parties. Despite the many benefits, there are a estimate of states that have, over the years, presented a estimate of problems when it comes to making the proprietary of a asset easy in the form of a land contract.

Homes for Sale By Owner Land compact Michigan

However, a land compact in Michigan is a valid form of asset transaction. Homes for sale by owner via land compact in Michigan bring furnish to the shop as options for potential buyers who would otherwise not be able to buy a home.

As long as the jobber is motivated and willing to work on terms and the buyer has garage income to make monthly payments and has a bit of money for a downpayment, a win/win situation can often be structured.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Homes For Sale. Where you can offer easy use in your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Homes For Sale.

Real Estate Notes For Sale

Homes For Sale - Real Estate Notes For Sale

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about Homes For Sale - Real Estate Notes For Sale. Which could be very helpful for me and also you. Real Estate Notes For Sale

Over the past few years, more and more habitancy in the United States have been contribution real estate notes for sale. Selling real estate is an easy way to turn one's monthly receivable payment into an immediate and large sum of cash. A real estate note for sale can be a mortgage note, a ageement for sale or a land contract.

What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the true about Homes For Sale. You see this article for home elevators that want to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

The best way to find real estate notes for sale is to look for real estate note listings. Some websites supply facts on real estate notes for sale. They normally list real estate notes from distinct states. These websites also supply facts on discrete categories of real estate notes. You can advent real estate note brokers who ordinarily have up-to-date facts on the real estate note market. They can also simplify the process of transaction. Local newspapers and magazines are other places to look for real estate notes for sale. Real estate venture clubs are a good forum to discuss matters connected to real estate notes.

Competition in this field is very high. Earlier, it was easy to buy real estate notes for huge margins of profit. With Some financial institutions and clubs hunting for real estate notes, private buyers often find it hard to buy and sell real estate notes. Most real estate note sellers do not sell their entire lot of real estate notes at once. This can place private buyers in definite tricky situations. Generally, real estate notes sold partially would not originate immediate income. It is best you go for pro help, as the transaction can sometimes be confusing.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Homes For Sale. Where you may offer easy use in your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Homes For Sale.

Derelict Houses For Sale

Homes For Sale - Derelict Houses For Sale

Hello everybody. Today, I learned about Homes For Sale - Derelict Houses For Sale. Which is very helpful in my experience and you. Derelict Houses For Sale

There are commonly a estimate of derelict houses for sale at any one time. Though they may not seem like the best option in terms of investing, they can often make the buyer a great profit once they are ready to resell. These kinds of homes are great for any individuals looking for a cheap home - with a bit of work they can soon be turned into a comfortable place to live.

What I said. It is not the final outcome that the real about Homes For Sale. You see this article for facts about a person want to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

A great way to find derelict homes is to drive nearby and see what is ready in your area. Some derelict homes will be in a worse state of heal than others, but you do have the option of request for a surveyors report if you wish to get more details on the state of the property. You might even find that population from the area are willing to give you information, as enhancing derelict homes is a great way of enhancing the neighborhood as a whole.

Your local real estate agencies should also have an idea of what's available, and can give you any relevant details as well as show you nearby if necessary. There might not be any derelict houses ready at the time of the cause, so you can select to keep updated with the newest properties that are added to their list.

Also the internet is a great place to find out details of derelict homes for sale. It might take a small effort, but keep researching and you will at last come across a home that suits you. When you do make sure you know how much work will be involved in fixing it up. The chances are that you'll be able to make a profit once you've fixed it up to sell on, or it could just supply you with a comfortable home for years to come!

I hope you will get new knowledge about Homes For Sale. Where you can put to use in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Homes For Sale.

How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup and asset Preservation firm

Rent To Own Homes In Nashville Tn - How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup and asset Preservation firm

Good morning. Today, I learned about Rent To Own Homes In Nashville Tn - How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup and asset Preservation firm. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. How to Start a Foreclosure Cleanup and asset Preservation firm

A new article on June 3, 2009 from Msn Money writer Michael Brush indicates that there is a third wave of foreclosures still to come from prime borrowers (i.e. Those previously "safe-borrowers" with sound prestige and fixed-rate mortgages) as a follow of job losses thanks to the worsening cheaper ("Coming: A 3rd Wave of Foreclosures").

What I said. It isn't the actual final outcome that the real about Rent To Own Homes In Nashville Tn. You check out this article for info on an individual wish to know is Rent To Own Homes In Nashville Tn.

Rent To Own Homes In Nashville Tn

The article states that "In the first quarter, the percentage of these borrowers who were behind on their mortgages or in foreclosure had doubled from a year earlier, to nearly 6%" and goes on to say that "Credit Suisseanalyst Rod Dubitsky unbelievable last week that 8.1 million mortgages, or 16% of all mortgages, will go into foreclosure over the next four years. A weak economy, continued declines in home prices and rising delinquencies among prime borrowers all but ensure that foreclosures "will march steadily higher," he says." Not such great news for the economy, but good news in fact for entrepreneurs curious in beginning a foreclosure cleanup company to clean and heal foreclosed homes for the banks.

To put this in perspective, this means that there will be over 2 million foreclosures a year and more than ,025,000,000 up for grabs in money that will be spent on cleaning up these foreclosed properties (since the average bill is 00+ to clean up one of these properties).

Let's take a look at how you can position yourself to capitalize on this arrival foreclosure movement

Set Up Your company Properly

If you want to be hired for cleanup or preservation work, you'll need to control your company as a professional company. The good news is that you can set up a company swiftly and inexpensively, and commonly on your own. Many people determine to set up an Llc (Limited Liability Company) because of how swiftly and in fact it can be done but you'll want to check with your accountant or other company professional to adopt the type of company entity that's right for your personal situation.

If you do determine to start an Llc, you can commonly find all of the documents you need online from your state's government website. commonly the branch you're finding for will be called the "Industrial Commission" or "Corporation Commission" or similar. Try typing in "start a company + ______ (your state)". Anything ending in ".gov" is commonly a good place to start as it indicates a government site.

Once your company is set up, you'll need an employer Identification whole (Ein), which is like a Ssn for your business. You can register for one online: type in "Irs" & "Ein" into a crusade motor to find the online registration link.

As soon as you have your Ein (which you can commonly get immediately online), you can open up a company bank list for your company. This step is very, very important. In the excitement of things, many people get caught up in the day-to-day dealings of running a company and use their personal accounts to pay for company expenses. Not only does this gift an accounting nightmare at the end of the year, but it could gift problems for you with the Irs if you don't keep your personal and company finances separate.

Once you legally set up your business, you may be required to register your company with your county or city in order to get a company license to operate. You can start by calling City Hall or the Office of the County Clerk to quiz, as to either or not you need a city/county/state company license and if so, how to get one.

So to recap:

1. Legally set up your company
2. Get your Ein # and set up a company bank list
3. Apply for a company license
4. If you want to do preservation work, determine either or not you need a contractors' license

Get guarnatee

You in fact must have a market Liability guarnatee procedure and Workers' recompense guarnatee in order to run your business. Not only is guarnatee important for protecting yourself from liability and protecting those that work for you in the event of a work-related injury, but many asset supervision associates will not do company with you if you do not meet their minimum guarnatee requirements.

Insurance will likely be one of your largest start-up costs, however, most guarnatee associates allow you to pay the excellent on a monthly (rather than yearly) basis, which right on makes this charge more affordable.

General Liability guarnatee policies can cover the following: physical injury, asset damage, contractual liability, personal and advertising injury, professional liability (also known as Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance, this coverage protects you and your company from litigation caused by charges of professional neglect or failure to perform your professional duties), hired auto and non-auto liability and umbrella liability.

You'll want to speak directly with your guarnatee agent to get a better idea of the extent of the coverage provided by their singular procedure and one that is best powerful for your personel needs

Workers' recompense guarnatee is required in most states when you have W2 employees, and some states also want your guarnatee to cover your 1099 contractors also. Workers' recompense ("Workers' Comp") covers your employees' curative and disability expenses associated to work-related illness and on-the-job injuries.

In the states where you are not required to cover your 1099 contractors you would need them to provide proof that they carry their own Workers' recompense insurance. Although tempting to shift the financial burden of maintaining a procedure onto your 1099 contractors, in all reality, you are probably better off to take on the cost of all staff Workers' recompense (all W2 employees and 1099 contractors). The theorize is that it's difficult to find only independent contractors that have their own policy. In addition, this commerce has such high turnover that if you put this restriction on your independent contractors, you'll waste important time and lost revenues trying to find replacements in a hurry.

Here's a great tip: sometimes you can get "pay-as-you-go" guarnatee where your workers' recompense guarnatee premiums are based on your actual payroll, rather than an estimated amount. This is great for associates that are just beginning out or have a ranging workload. Type in "pay as you go workers comp" into a crusade motor for results in your area.

As a second tip, we've used Farmers guarnatee for years and have all the time had excellent buyer aid and great rates. Just Google "Farmers Insurance" for an agent in your area.

Foreclosure Cleanup v.s. asset Preservation Services

As the name suggests as a Foreclosure Cleanup Company, you'll be cleaning out all of the junk in the house (also called a "trashout or a "junk out"), as well as cleaning the interior of the home. You may also be required to remove vehicles on the property. commonly foreclosure cleanup associates are also responsible for doing a basic landscape cleanup which includes hauling out any junk from the front/back yards, cutting the grass and trimming trees/bushes.

Cleaning up the asset is the extent of services offered by a Foreclosure Cleanup Company, whereas a asset Preservation company is also complex in the "securing" of the asset and the "preserving" of the property.

Here are some of the services that a preservation company may offer (note that a asset Preservation company will ordinarily also offer cleanup services):

Securing the Property
o Initial vacant asset inspection
o Lock changes
o Boarding of windows and doors
o Temporary roof heal
o Securing swimming pools

Preserving the Property
o Exterior Debris extraction
o Abandoned vehicle extraction (cars, boats, etc.)
o Interior Debris extraction (junk-out)
o Hazardous waste extraction
o Interior cleaning services including floor covering cleaning
o Window washing/graffiti extraction
o Window change
o Pool services (draining, acid washing, maintaining, etc.)
o Pest control services
o Yard maintenance/landscaping
o Snow extraction
o Winterization
o Gutter cleaning
o Pressure washing
o Carpet extraction & change
o Tile/Floor repairs
o Painting
o Sheetrock/drywall repairs
o Carpentry repairs
o Plumbing fixtures repairs & replacements
o Fire & mold remediation
o Fence repair

Here are a few things to consider when determining the extent of the services you want to offer:

A Contractors' License is ordinarily not required for Foreclosure Cleanup company but is likely required for preservation associates doing work over a clear dollar value (usually 0 - 00+). Sometimes this license can be obtained by attending a procedure and successfully passing a test whereas other states want previous, verifiable commerce experience.

The guarnatee premiums tend to be higher on associates that offer preservation services as they are carefully to be a "general contractor". However, the earnings possible is much higher as preservation services tend to run from a few thousand dollars upwards instead of 0 - 00 for each cleanout.

Usually what people do is start out initially contribution just the foreclosure cleanup services and then when things pick up, they'll add preservation items to the list of services they offer. This let's them get their foot in the door without having to spend a whole lot of money upfront when setting up their company.

Source the Right equipment & Tools

The great thing about beginning a foreclosure cleanup company is that the first expenses are quite low as much of the equipment and tools needed for cleaning foreclosures can likely be found in your own garage:

o Cleaning chemicals (i.e. All purpose cleaner, disinfectant, toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner)
o Cleaning supplies (broom, mop, scrub pads)
o Vacuum cleaner
o Garbage bags and shovels
o Work gloves and disposable plastic gloves
o Lawn mowers & lawn tools
o Wheelbarrow

For the smaller items you don't have on hand, check your local dollar store. Their prices can't be beat and they commonly have the same chemicals and cleaning supplies as the other retailers. Once you start doing some volume, consider shopping for your supplies at Sam's Club or Costco to keep your expenses low.

You can also find used equipment in great shape (such as vacuums) by going around to your local Saturday morning garage/yard sales. If you have a "Re-Use" center or a Salvation Army, you may consider checking there also as they often have vacuums and other small equipment or yard tools for sale.

For hauling junk, you'll need some sort of trailer and a vehicle large enough to pull it. If you don't have a truck and a trailer, you can all the time borrow a friend's truck and rent a trailer from U-Haul or just go ahead and rent a consuming truck from U-Haul. (Remember though, that you'll be charged a daily rate plus a per-mile rate when you rent a consuming truck whereas if you use your own truck and just rent the pull-trailer, you'll only incur the daily rental rate for the trailer.)

Sometimes you'll be required to clean a asset that doesn't have electricity or water. In the event that there's no electricity, you'll need a generator to control the vacuum cleaners and other electrical equipment. These can be rented at Lowe's or Home Depot and is a much better alternative to purchasing one outright unless you're going to use it on a quarterly basis (a new one will run you about 0+).
To save on expenses, it's best to rent equipment in the beginning.

Once you get up and going, it may be worth finding into purchasing equipment of your own. Check the online classifieds ads (such as Craigslist, Kijiji and Backpage) for used trailers, generators, etc. You should also check with U-Haul as they have been selling some of their excess trucks as of late.

Stay Safe on the Job

As a company owner, you're responsible for holding your staff safe while working on the job. Working safely is renowned to the condition of your staff and the prestige of your company (and also keeps your guarnatee premiums low). It's imperative that you recap protection issues prior to allowing Anything to work on the job - you must provide both classroom and on-the-job protection training to all new hires.

Now, it doesn't have to be Anything fancy; you can spend 20 - 30 minutes reviewing protection policies, safe working practices and answering any questions and then you'll be done! Make sure you have people sign in and out of the meeting and that you document that a protection meeting took place.

It's also very foremost that you become well-known with Osha and protection Standards as well as the condition & protection hazards associated with this commerce so that you can keep your staff safe, avoid accidents and precious fines. You can find the Osha Pocket Guide to building protection (it's a short and an easy read) at the main website (Osha Dot gov) by searching for the article name.

Another way to safe your staff and your company is to make sure that you check references before you hire someone. Insist that they list non-related references (i.e. Not mother, sister or best friend) and instead list references of old employers or person they know in a professional capacity. We also do drug testing and background checks - it might sound paranoid to some, but the protection of our staff, our customers' asset and our company's prestige is far too foremost to risk not spending on a background check or drug test.

Price Your Services Right

In this industry, the bottom price all the time wins the bid (unless, of course, the bottom bidder has a terrible track article of not completing work and is utterly irresponsible and unprofessional, in which case the company has just committed "reputation-suicide" and will never be hired again). Lenders don't want to spend any more than they have to on these properties so you want to make sure you price your services comparable with the going market rates (but at the same time, priced so that you still make a great behalf and don't leave any money on the table).

For cleaning out foreclosures, most banks expect to spend in any place from 0 - 00 for a cleanout (trashout, interior clean and first landscape cleanup), but it could be a bit more or a bit less, depending on your area. It's foremost to know that most lenders have prescribed "price caps" for the maximum amounts that they'll pay for services.

If you're also providing preservation services, a great site that we've used before to determine our prices for doing repairs is for getting the market rates for building costs - you can get a free 30 day trial (no need to enter prestige card - it in fact is free!). There are over 3,000 cost items adjusted for over 210 local, geographic regions to originate your bid and you can add as many others as needed. If you want to sign up after the trial, it's only /month.

Market Your Services

It's true - "nothing happens until somebody sells something"... And you'll need to get out there and sell, sell, sell your business. Once you've done a few jobs, you'll find that word of mouth advertising and referrals will provide a large pool of new jobs for you, but in the meantime, you do need to do everything possible to let customers know you exist.

A large part of work will come from the relationships that you build with Real Estate Agents ("Realtors") who list bank-owned homes (often referred to as Reo listings). They are often given the task of bidding out the cleaning and repairs of new listings by the asset supervision company so you'll want to make sure the agents in your area know your company handles this type of work.

A great way to find out which Realtors in your area list Reos is to go online to the major bank's Reo websites and "data mine" the touch information for the listing agents (name, email, phone numbers). It can be painstaking work, but right on worth it.

Here's an example of a bank Reo sites to get you started collecting Realtor information

Wells Fargo (Properties managed by Premier Asset Services):

Note: In order to access agent information, adopt the state and click search. Then, individually adopt each listing and click on "Print asset article Cvs". Each listing and corresponding information (such as agent name, phone # and email) will be created in an Excel spreadsheet. You can access the page

Remember to follow up with a phone call a few days later. Don't be shy about asking the Realtor if he/she has any jobs for you to bid, either - most of them are very accommodating and willing to give a new company the occasion to provide estimates.

The other way jobs are bid out is through large Asset supervision associates (also referred to as Marketing & supervision Companies, Reo Field aid associates and asset supervision Companies). Essentially, the lender says, "ok - I have thousands of properties to get rid of. Here, national Abc Asset supervision Company: clean, fix and sell these properties for us". And the national Asset supervision company will then subcontract out the work to local foreclosure cleanup and asset preservation companies. In order to work for these companies, you commonly need to sign up your company as a possible vendor. Many times this can be done online.

There are both positives and negatives associated with working for the larger companies. On the clear side, you will probably be given a few projects to work on at a time so you will be kept relatively busy. On the negative side, they commonly want you to offer 'wholesale pricing' and don't pay until 30 - 60 days after you invoice them for the work. Working for one of these companies, however, will give you the touch you need to go after more work.

Other possible customers contain wholesale asset investors (groups of investors that purchase foreclosed homes at the auctions and then sell them to smaller investors at a wholesale price), investors, landlords, asset supervision companies, Realtors and so on.

You should also consider attending your local networking events such as the accommodation of commerce meetings and any local investor meetings in order to hand out your card and network with possible customers. The more you get out there, the better occasion you'll have of securing some great, long-term customers!

This is right on an consuming commerce and a very profitable one for those of you who don't mind getting your hands a bit dirty! Good luck!

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For Sale By Owner buy Contracts

Homes For Sale - For Sale By Owner buy Contracts

Good evening. Now, I learned about Homes For Sale - For Sale By Owner buy Contracts. Which may be very helpful for me and you. For Sale By Owner buy Contracts

Deciding to sell your home will save you thousands of dollars in realtor commissions. In exchange, you need to understand subjects such as a buy contract.

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Homes For Sale

For Sale By Owner buy Contracts

Once you have decided to sell your home without going through a real estate agent, you need to take some time to develop an insight of the process and essential documents. First, you are not alone in development this decision. A recent gawk found over 30 percent of homebuyers intend to sell their homes without an agent. Given this demand, there are now a bevy of forms ready to the owner seeder and all consist of a buy contract.

A owner seeder buy covenant is precisely no dissimilar than any real estate buy contract. It contains all of the same terms and is regularly called a real estate buy agreement. A real estate transaction is the same regardless of whether you use an agent or not, so there precisely isn't any need for a specific owner seeder sales contract.

In general, all of the required contracts and forms for a real estate transaction are purchased in a group. Typically, these documents are offered as a for sale by owner kit. There are dissimilar ways of obtaining them, however the internet has provided one of the easiest methods. For nearly no cost, anything can download all of the documents need to get through the transactions. In fact, these are the same pre-printed forms used by most realtors.

As you have probably read, owner sellers are missing out on a huge opportunity if they do not take advantage of the help offered by mortgage brokers. Mortgage brokers are independent loan writers and want to do enterprise with you. Their goal is to write the loan for the buyer of your property, so they are motivated to help you sell the home. They will contribute you with all the forms you need for free and will help you with open houses and so on. This is a free resource you should assuredly take advantage of. If you sell the home and they get a loan, it is a win-win situation.

When development the decision on whether to sell without an agent, many homeowners are implicated about buy contracts and other forms. buy a pre-written version, use the free services of a mortgage broker and you will be fine.

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property management Fees Explained

Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - property management Fees Explained

Hi friends. Yesterday, I discovered Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - property management Fees Explained. Which is very helpful for me so you. property management Fees Explained

 When you hire a asset administration firm to serve as the liaison between yourself and your tenants, you want to be sure you're getting the best inherent asset administration services for the money. The services a asset administration firm provides can range from ala carte to an all-in-one inclusive package. Along with that comes an array of fees for each. There is no set in stone fee structure we can furnish you. But we can educate you on what tasteless fees to expect and what each is ordinarily for. In the end it will be up to you to correlate firm fee structures and pick the best one that fits within your budget. Below are some of the most tasteless fees and what assistance they provide.

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Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn


This is an ongoing monthly fee expensed to the owner to compensate the asset boss for the responsibilities of overseeing the administration of their property. This fee can vary from as itsybitsy as 3% to over 15% of the monthly gross rent. In place of a percentage some managers may charge a flat monthly whole which again can vary from to over 0 per month. All asset administration companies ordinarily charge this fee.

Lease-Up or Setup Fee

This fee is expensed to the owner to compensate the asset boss for their preliminary time invested and resources used in setting up an owners account; showing asset and/or other activities resulting in tenant placement. I guess you could look at it as a "finders fee" for placing a tenant in your property. Once a tenant has been located and first rent income comes in, the asset boss will deduct this fee from the rent proceeds. Some asset managers have been known to want this fee upfront prior to tenant procurement. Usually this fee is non-refundable once the asset boss has started the process of tenant procurement or any legwork has been initiated with the property. This fee can vary from none to as much as the first months rent, and Usually is a one-time fee per tenant.

Lease reparation Fee

This fee is expensed to the owner when a asset boss renews a current tenants lease and covers the costs of initiating paperwork or communication complicated in implementing the new lease document. A asset boss may also justify this fee if they perform a year end inspection of property. This fee can vary from none to 0 or higher, and may be expensed every time a lease reparation is implemented.

Advertising Costs

Depending upon the asset administration company's contract, whether they will pay the advertising costs or the owner or they could split the costs. If the boss is willing to cover this cost, most likely they will charge the lease-up or setup fee as outline above. If the administration firm covers this cost make sure to find out what type advertising or marketing of your asset is included. If it's placing your listing on their own web site and other free online classified sites you may not be getting your monies worth. They are many good rental or tenant resource online web sites that bring in excellent tenants for a cheap fee and you will want to reconsider these. And don't forget about print media, yard signs, listing on the Mls or even an open house. Nothing is worst than having your asset vacant, bringing in no money only because you or your asset boss skimped on advertising.

Maintenance Mark-up Charges

This is one of those costs you may never indubitably of known about or had it disclosed to you. A "Mark-up" is a charge over and beyond the final bill on maintenance and/or heal work done to your asset initiated by your asset administration firm when using their vendors or in-house maintenance staff. This should be disclosed in your Manager/Owner covenant which Usually will state the markup as a percentage above the final invoice from vendor. For example, your boss had to call a plumber to replace the dishwasher in your rental property. Total charges for completing the job: 0. If your asset boss covenant states you will incur a 10% markup on all maintenance work the actual cost to you will be 0. Just one of those things to be aware of as these all eat into your profits.

Early Cancellation Fee

The dreaded "3 months and no tenant". Your asset boss insist he or she's doing all they can to find you a tenant. But here it is 3 months and still no tenant; what do you do. Well, look at your Manager/Owner covenant and that might be your choosing factor. I am not a fan of this fee, and believe it to be an unnecessary fee and for you boss out there this could be the deal breaker. I'll tell you why; if a asset boss is doing their due diligence and holding the owners in the loop as far as decision making, market conditions and communication lines open an owner will not be second guessing his asset managers abilities. The odds of this scenario happening is unlikely but you must be prepared for it. A cancellation fee can range from none to over 0. To be fair, some managers indubitably deserve this fee especially if they have pocketed advertising costs, incurred lots of legwork and time invested in your property.

"You've Got To Be Kidding Me" Fees - These are ones I have personally had the pleasure of running into.
Your asset is vacant, but we still will charge our monthly commission or a small flat fee. "A For-Rent Yard Sign Fee". I believe this was /mo. "Preventive Maintenance Fee". This was to cover the "just in case" and changing out A/C filters. If "just in case" never happens they still pocket the money. I believe this was /mo and I still was expensed for filters.
In summary

Read your Manager/Owner contract, understand what you are signing, ask lots of questions and know what the fees will buy you in services. A good real estate lawyer can help in negotiating the terms in a covenant that suit both parties. These contracts are not set in stone. If your asset boss will not negotiate, there are other asset administration companies that are eager to earn your business.

I hope you have new knowledge about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn. Where you can put to used in your life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn.

Trailer Houses For Sale

Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - Trailer Houses For Sale

Good morning. Now, I learned all about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - Trailer Houses For Sale. Which is very helpful for me therefore you. Trailer Houses For Sale

Trailer houses for sale can make for a comfortable place to live or even be a profitable real estate investment. Set up on hidden land or in a trailer park, these homes are either a beneficial place to live or can be rented out to tenants. Here are a few tips helping you to find the exquisite trailer house to buy.

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Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn

Firstly you should make sure to do your investigate before choosing a trailer house to purchase. There are a number of mobile home manufacturers online, so correlate what they offer and think about the basic needs of whatever who were to live in the trailer home. The prices will factor into your decision, but remember to bear in mind the features and the size of the home. You should think about the kind of features that will make it a good home or profitable rental.

When you are buying a trailer home you are going to have to consider how you will finance the purchase. Financing can often be difficult and is not the same as buying a traditional house. Be sure to do your investigate ahead of time and make sure you have the means to pay the trailer maker for your new purchase.

When it comes to trailer houses for sale, you can also opt for a used trailer as a great way of saving money and picking up a bargain. whatever you finally choose, these homes can contribute a favorable place to live or a great speculation should you select to rent them out to tenants.

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States With No earnings Taxes & States With Low asset Taxes

Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - States With No earnings Taxes & States With Low asset Taxes

Good afternoon. Now, I learned about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn - States With No earnings Taxes & States With Low asset Taxes. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. States With No earnings Taxes & States With Low asset Taxes

Real Estate Investing & asset Tax Rates

What I said. It just isn't the final outcome that the true about Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn. You check out this article for facts about an individual need to know is Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn.

Homes For Rent In Murfreesboro Tn

In the United States, asset tax is assessed by local government at the municipal or county level. The asset tax evaluation is based on two values--the value of the land, and the value of the building. Since asset tax is calculated at a local-level--and since changes occur frequently--it's tricky to rule the exact spots where asset tax is the lowest. However, the following data should help you search areas with high appreciation And low asset taxes.

Which States Have the lowest asset Tax Rates?

County tax rates are often averaged into a singular figure, and this whole is used when comparing asset taxes between states. Surprisingly, Wyoming has the lowest asset tax rates. Unfortunately, asset values in Wyoming tend to be pretty depressed, due to low people influx and a lack of jobs. Also, Wyoming does not rank highly when it comes to appreciation rates for residential and commercial real estate. Just because an area has low asset taxes does not mean it will be the best area to spend in (or relocate to).

What to Look For When Investing

Look for an area that has a consistent rate of real estate appreciation, combined with fairly low asset taxes. Often, local asset tax rates are low because real estate appreciation in the area is low--so you need to be careful. Cities settled next to universities and areas where businesses are relocating are normally exquisite spots to buy real estate. Paying attentiveness to people increase can help you spot real estate trends and make wiser investments.

Medium-Sized Cities With the lowest asset Tax Rates

According to data gathered by the Office of the Cfo in Washington, D.C., the following cities have the lowest asset tax rates in 2006, based on an annual income of ,000. Assuming you earn ,000 annually, here are the asset tax amounts you would pay in each city...

Birmingham Al -- 8

Cheyenne Wy -- ,108

Phoenix Az -- ,248

Wichita Ks -- ,309

Denver Co -- ,362

Charleston Wv -- ,395

Oklahoma City Ok -- ,538

Kansas City, Mo -- ,595

Little Rock Ar -- ,648

Louisville, Ky -- ,713

Jacksonville Fl -- ,744

Honolulu Hi -- ,781

Billings Mt -- ,864

Salt Lake City, Ut -- ,904

Virginia Beach Va -- ,918

Jackson Ms -- ,971

Charlotte, Nc -- ,021

Boise, Id -- ,176

Columbia Sc -- ,214

Las Vegas Nv -- ,225

Sioux Falls Sd -- ,228

New Orleans, La -- ,231

Wilmington De -- ,416

Memphis Tn -- ,501

Albuquerque Nm -- ,517

Houston Tx -- ,861

The relationship between State income Taxes & asset Tax Rates

States with no income tax (see list below) normally have high asset tax rates in their respective counties (The state needs to get its income from somewhere!). However, the trade-off is that you will have zero taxes on all earned income. This can be a huge advantage. Instead of paying the state 7 to 15 percent (or more) of your income, you can keep your hard-earned money, and spend it back into real estate or other investments. There are currently nine states that do not tax income at the state level.

States With No income Tax




South Dakota




New Hampshire*


*New Hampshire and Tennessee do not tax earned income, but they Do tax capital gains (dividend and interest income).

How To Find the Best of Both Worlds: Low asset Tax & No State income Tax

If you're looking for the best of both worlds (low asset tax and no state income tax), you may want to reconsider the following cities:

Sioux Falls, Sd

Houston, Texas

Jacksonville, Florida

Memphis, Tn

Cheyenne, Wy

Las Vegas, Nevada

You can also observe less well-known cities in the nine "no-income-tax" states. Smaller towns and cities ordinarily offer "quality of life" advantages, and higher-than-average price appreciation and growth.


Now you know which states don't tax income, and which areas have the lowest asset tax rates. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on looking the best spot for your next home or real estate investment.

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For Sale by Owner Vs National relationship Of Realtors

Homes For Sale - For Sale by Owner Vs National relationship Of Realtors

Hi friends. Now, I learned all about Homes For Sale - For Sale by Owner Vs National relationship Of Realtors. Which could be very helpful in my experience and you. For Sale by Owner Vs National relationship Of Realtors

Potential and existing For Sale by Owners should take National association of Realtors (Nar) ongoing rhetoric with a grain of salt. The Nar has a requisite stake in how you pick to sell your asset - did you know that there is roughly Billion in real estate commissions paid out annually (up 19 billion form 2000)? In a well planned and funded exertion to explain their services and the colossal commissions that they gain the Nar spends millions of dollars every year inundating the average homeowner with propaganda.

What I said. It just isn't the actual final outcome that the real about Homes For Sale. You check out this article for information on that need to know is Homes For Sale.

Homes For Sale

Realtors would have you believe that it is totally impossible to successfully market and sell your own home. The reckon they propagate this fallacy is painfully inevitable but it is shocking how convincing they can be and how often homeowners fall prey to their ploys.

Let's put some of the most tasteless Nar rhetoric to sleep:

Fsbos do not sell for less

Fsbos do not take longer to sell

Fsbos do not unwittingly expose themselves to inherent thieves, rapists or murderers

Fsbos can effectively market their own property

Fsbos can effectively sell their own property

Fsbos can save thousands of dollars in commissions

Truth be known, the National association of Realtors does some things very well. First of all, they gather, compile and distribute very definite data related to real estate that can prove very helpful when creating a For Sale by Owner marketing plan. This data is gleaned from hundreds of thousands of home sales so the data is very accurate. Most, if not all, of the data is facilely available on the internet. This data includes, but is not minuscule to, average amount of days on market (Dom), average and medium sale prices (compiled monthly and seasonally adjusted), unit sales by region and unit sales by "Metropolitan Areas".

The Nar also compiles statistics related to "Buyer" and "Seller" tendencies, these statistics are generated straight through surveys of both buyers and sellers. Some of the data speaks volumes, for instance over 70% of home buyers in 2006 used the internet to find the home they ultimately purchased, before they hired a real estate agent. Secondly 18% of home purchasers claimed that the first introduction to the home they purchased was a For Sale lawn sign. Do the math - that means over 88% of "Buyers" found the asset they ultimately purchased without the assistance of a real estate agent - yet 85% used an agent to facilitate the purchase - who says marketing doesn't work.

The second thing they do very well is market real estate; this is done straight through their proprietary data assistance - the manifold Listing assistance best known as the Mls. This real estate listing data, while proprietary, is not restricted to real estate agents, it is available to virtually anything that has passage to the internet., the buyer facing website is a by-product of the Mls, this primary marketing tool for Realtors is also available to virtually anyone. For Sale by Owners can invest in Flat Fee Mls. The understanding is uncomplicated - instead of the "Listing Agent" charging a commission based on the sale of your home, the homeowner agrees to pay a Flat Fee to a registered Realtor - this fee is typically in the 9 - 9 range depending on your geographical area and level of service. The agent naturally agrees to list your asset on the Mls. This exposes your asset to all Real Estate agents straight through the Mls database and most inherent buyers straight through (remember over 70% of buyers found the asset on the internet Before they hired an agent) which enjoys over 7 million monthly visitors that generate over 350 page views. Beware - not all Flat Fee Mls is created equal - make sure you know what you are buying and that there is some level of support.

One of the biggest problems that I have all the time had with Real Estate agents (outside of their high commission fees) is that they have a distinct mandate then the typical homeowner. A real estate agents mandate is to sell "a" home and get paid their commission. The homeowners mandate is to sell their home. How often do you think a prospective buyer calls in to set up a showing for a exact asset (your property) and the agent says - "sure, we'll set up an appointment - but while were out finding at that asset let's look at these "others" that I think you may be curious in." Personally, I don't blame them, that is how they earn a living - I would do the same thing, it's called "hedging your bets". The inherent question is that a real estate agent can be thriving without the homeowner being successful. A great example of this is "Open Houses" in my understanding they are naturally a lead generation platform for the listing agent. The "visitors" come to see your home, the agent takes their name and contacts them to sell them any house - they have naturally used your asset and time as a hook.

I all the time have to defend myself, and I want to be clear, I do not hate real estate agents. They without fail perform a assistance that some individuals are incapable of performing. I do any way have a question with the fees that they payment and their relentless assault on Fsbo's. I have all the time felt that if man has to take a run at the competition in an exertion to explain themselves that it was a sign of weakness.

Bottom line, you can sell your own home and save thousands of dollars; do not be swayed by the Nar and its unsubstantiated claims. Do not believe something just because you saw it on television - it is a shameless exertion to protect themselves, their association and a livelihood that is under requisite pressure to explain it's fees. It's not a coincidence that the U.S. Department of Justice is currently investigating the business for anti trust violations. turn is coming - and it will shake the very foundation that this association was founded. The internet has changed the way people buy and sell real estate - it's time for Realtors to accept that fact and adjust accordingly or go the way of the Dodo bird.

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